Monday, December 30, 2019

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Storm Surge!

Lake Superior whipped up one last storm of the year.

Storm Watch

Winter Storm Warning, Gale Warning - gusts to 45mph, waves to 16ft,  Lakeshore Flood Warning

Friday, December 27, 2019

Monday, December 23, 2019

Herbert C Jackson - Taken by: Charlie Smith

Charlee took this dramatic photo of the Jackson the other night.

Charlie wrote: The Herbert C Jackson sporting a dapper icy mustache on a recent chilly arrival to Duluth, MN

See more of Charlie's work on his Facebook Page.

Hon James L Oberstar arrived Duluth 12/23/2019

Hon James L Oberstar arrived Duluth this morning for some quick repairs.

American Century departed, Michipicoten arrived Duluth 12/23/2019

American Century departed, Michipicoten arrived Duluth

Sunday, December 22, 2019

American Century arrived Duluth 12/22/2019

American Century arrived Duluth this evening to load coal. It made an emergency 360 turn when a traffic gate on the lift bridge stuck creating a problem with the safety interlock system.

Another Superior Sunrise-12/22/2019

The sunrise azimuth on the horizon now starts it's 180 day journey north. By June 20th, the sun will rise 70 degrees further north than today.
What an awesome work of creation. I am so thankful to be able to view and enjoy God's handiwork.

Federal Seto by: Paul Scinocca

Great photo by: Paul Scinocca   - View more of Paul's work on Facebook

Paul - Federal Seto, the last Saltwater vessel for the 2019 shipping season departing Duluth this Sunday morning.

"The Last Saltie" - Federal Seto departed 12/22/2019

The Federal Seto was pulled out of its icy slip last night and sent on it's way to the ocean with a load of grain.
The Federal Seto will be the last ocean freighter visit until Spring.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

John J Boland - by: David Schauer

Beautiful night shot by David Schauer -- See more of Dave's work on his Facebook site

The first laker arrival in the Twin Ports for winter layup is the John J. Boland. The American Steamship Company boat went into dry dock at Fraser Shipyards, likely for its 5-year survey/reconditioning. The Boland was assisted by tugs North Carolina and Arkansas (shown here). 12/20/19

John G Munson at Anchor - by: Glenn Blaszkiewicz

"John G. Munson" anchored off of Duluth this morning by: Glenn Blaszkiewicz
Visit Glenn's Facebook

Holiday Gulls!

Sylvia, a long time viewer of the harborcams added a little holiday design to our seagull friends, Jeffery and Amelia.

Walter J McCarthy Jr arrived Duluth 12/21/2019

Walter J McCarthy Jr arrived Duluth this morning to load iron pellets.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Notice: Alternate Views

FYI,   for visitors who cannot access Youtube or prefer the old view display I have made "Alternate View" pages that you can use.  You can view the four most popular views Canal Cam, Pier B, Hillside and Two Harbors Boat Launch from a different streaming service that is not Youtube.

These pages are linked from the primary pages for these same cams on the lower left side below the display.

Enjoy the Views!


Sunrise Timelapse 12/18/2019

The beauty of a Lake Superior Sunrise is enhanced when a timelapse compresses 90 minutes in to 2.

Michipicoten departed Duluth 12/18/2019

Michipicoten departed Duluth this morning loaded with iron pellets.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Paul R Tregurtha arrived Duluth

The Paul R Tregurtha arrival this evening with the Bentlyville lights turned on to light the way.

Paul R Tregurtha arrived Duluth 12/17/2019

Paul R Tregurtha arrived Duluth this evening to load coal.

Note: Tregurtha horn sounds added in from previous arrival

Michipicoten arrived Duluth 12/17/2019

Michipicoten arrived Duluth this afternoon lo load iron pellets.

Helena G arrived Duluth 12/16/2019

Helena G arrived Duluth last evening to load wheat.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Philip R Clarke departed Duluth 12/16/2019

Philip R Clarke departed Duluth this afternoon.

Two Harbors Cams


The Two Harbors cams are back up for now.  There are still some network issues preventing the cameras from connecting to Youtube and preventing me from being able to connect to the cameras to make any adjustments or control.

I don't think I will fiddle around with things until after the shipping season is done for the year on January 15th.

Thanks for your extreme patience while a whole lot of people tried to fix things.


Philip R Clarke arrived Duluth 12/16/2019

Philip R Clarke arrived Duluth overnight with a load of limestone.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Bentleyville wins national lighting contest!

Congratulation to Bentleyville USA for winning the USA Today national Christmas lighting contest.
Read the KBJR story HERE.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Two Harbors Cam Updates


The Service Provider cannot find the issue with the internet connection in Two Harbors.  I will be up there next week with another network specialist to get things going.
I also have another trick up my sleeve. 
Thanks for your patience, sorry about the delayed outage, it will be back though.


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Full Moon over Split Rock Lighthouse

Full Moon at Split Rock Lighthouse - The clockwork of God's universe pulls up the moon from behind Split Rock Lighthouse on schedule during December and January Full Moon rises. It's always a good reminder of who is really running things.

Paul R Tregurtha arrived Duluth 12/11/2019

Paul R Tregurtha arrived Duluth this afternoon to load coal.

Mesabi Miner arrived Duluth 12/11/2019

Mesabi Miner arrived Duluth this afternoon to load iron pellets.

Sea Smoke and Lighthouses

Herbert C Jackson arrived Duluth 12/11/2019

Herbert C Jackson arrived Duluth this morning loaded with limestone.

Drawsko departed Duluth 12/10/2019

Drowsko departed Duluth last evening through heavy sea smoke  loaded with wheat.

Drawsko departed Duluth 12/10/2019

Drawsko departed Duluth through heavy seas smoke, last evening loaded with wheat.

James R Barker departed Superior 11/10/2019

James R Barker departed Superior last night through the dark and icy Superior Entry to anchor.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Cold weather shutdown!

Expect that multiple cams may shut off over the next 24 hours for automatic cold weather circuit protection.

Friday, December 6, 2019

SAMUEL DE CHAMPLAIN arrived Duluth 12/06/2019

SAMUEL DE CHAMPLAIN arrived Duluth this afternoon loaded with cement.

Two Harbors Cams Update!

Yesterday I talked with one of the ISP techs who was working on the internet service in Two Harbors.
The company was bought out last summer and is now headquartered in Pennsylvania.  There is some kind of comparability problem between to two operations that is preventing the cameras from transmitting online.

While it it good to know that the issue is being worked on, I do not know when it will be resolved.

There is not much we can do but wait and let them work through their problems.

Sorry for the hold up, I miss the cameras as much as you do and will keep checking with them once a week and keep you posted.


Arthur M Anderson departed Duluth 12/06/2019

Arthur M Anderson departed Duluth this morning

American Century arrived Duluth 12/06/2019

American Century arrived Duluth this morning to load coal

Bluewing departed Duluth 12/06/2019

Bluewing departed Duluth overnight loaded with grain.

Michipicoten arrived Duluth 12/6/2019

Michipicoten arrived Duluth this morning to load iron pellets

Thursday, December 5, 2019

HEERENGRACHT departed Duluth 12/05/2019

HEERENGRACHT departed Duluth this evening after unloading cargo.

Edwin H Gott arrived Duluth 12/5/2019

Edwin H Gott arrived Duluth this morning

Paul R Tregurtha departed Duluth 12/05/2019

Paul R Tregurtha departed Duluth this morning loaded with coal.

Lift Bridge in Service

Update: 12/5/2019 09:00  Duluth Lift Bridge in service.

Update: 12/5/2019 - 07:00  Deicing will continue on the Lift Bridge today.

Update: 12/04/2019 - 16:00  The lift bridge remains out of service until further notice.

Due to heavy ice accumulation on the Lift Bridge, it will remain closed to boat traffic as deicing efforts continue.

The 900 ton bridge span is balanced by two 450 ton concrete weights on either side. Usually the span can easily be lifted by electric motors, however, they cannot lift the additional weight of the ice.

Overnight Wisconsin Point Boat Traffic 12/5/2019

With the Duluth Lift Bridge inoperable due to ice buildup, boat traffic has increased through the Wisconsin Entry.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Bayfront Cam Ice removed

The ice covering on the Bayfront Cam is now removed. There was about 1/2 inch left to chip away.

Maria G arrived Superior 12/2/2019

Maria G arrived Superior this afternoon to load grain. The Duluth Lift Bridge was out of service at the time.

Canal Cam Ice

There was a lot of ice on the Canal Cam -- nice day to be outside though!!

John J Boland departed Superior 12/02/2019

John J Boland departed Superior on a sunny cold morning. Temperature 0F.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Bird Feeder Snow Cover

Fortunately, I have more bird feeders out. This one is a bit difficult to reach right now.