Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Enjoy Summer - Daylight hours start getting shorted on Friday

Seems like only yesterday when the Manitowoc arrived in Duluth on a "relatively" warm December day. - Enjoy the warm days of summer!

Edwin H Gott departed American Integrity arrived Two Harbors 6/19/2019

Edwin H Gott departed American Integrity arrived Two Harbors this morning.

Happy River arrived Duluth 6/19/2019

Happy River arrived Duluth this afternoon carrying tower sections for wind turbines.

Industrial Skipper Unloading Wind Turbine Blades 06/18-19/2019

The Industrial Skipper unloaded large wind turbine blades over a 3 day period, at Lake Superior Warehousing.

The blades will be transported by road in the coming months.

Alamosborg departed Duluth 06/18/19 (Sea Bear Transfer)

Alamosborg departed Duluth while the Sea Bear (Pilot Boat) pulled up alongside to pick up a Pilot for the next arriving saltie.  Watch as the Sea Bear Crew makes this rare maneuver in front of a cheering crowd.

Superior Daybreak - 06/19/2019

Just when you think the last sunrise was spectacular, another one comes along to take your breath away.

I am so blessed to be able to watch these scenes unfold each day.  Just another reminder of creations wonders.