Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Jay Cooke Swinging Bridge

It has been nearly eight months since to devastating floods that swept through the Northland last June.
Today I had a chance to visit Jay Cooke State Park and the famous swinging bridge.  While the bridge walkway is still somewhat crumpled, the beauty of the park has not changes.

The muffled sound of the St. Louis River running under the ice and the chickadees chirping on the snow covered branches is an indication that springtime is not far off.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Harbor History - Minnesota Point Lighthouse

The other day I hiked down to the end of Park Point and upon seeing the ruins of the old Minnesota Point Lighthouse I was inspired to do a quick historical video on this once important lighthouse. I hope you find this 23 minute presentation interesting and informative.

Friday, February 8, 2013

February 8, 1910 Beer wagon goes through Ice on St. Louis River

February 8, 1910 Beer wagon goes through Ice on St. Louis River
By Tony Dierckins Zenith City Online

On this day in Duluth in 1910, former Third Ward alderman Maurice McGinnis was driving a rig for Superior’s Northern Brewery over the frozen St. Louis River when the ice gave way. Horses, wagon, driver, and beer all plunged into the river. McGinniss manager to pull himself out of the frigid waters and “suffered no ill effects from his icy bath.” The horses did not fair as well—all drowned. McGinnis was on his way to deliver beer to Henry Ward’s saloon “near the steel plant,” which was under construction next to what would become Morgan Park. The beer got away as well. Despite the deaths of the “valuable team,” the Duluth News Tribune seemed more concerned with the loss of beer. Two days after the accident the newspaper printed a story under the bold headline “NO EFFORT TO RECOVER BEER KEGS FROM RIVER.” The paper reported that there was little chance of finding the kegs under the ice, and that they were likely already carried away downstream by the river’s current. It then pondered the upcoming thaw: “In the spring, the time the poet says a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love, there are expected to be a large number of lovers of the amber fluid scattered along the St. Louis searching for the missing kegs.

Read More at Zenith City Press

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bridge Lights Outage Update!

There have been some questions as to why the bridge lights have been off the past couple night.
Ryan Beamer, the Bridge Supervisor, indicated that they are switching out the photo cells that automatically turned on/off the lights. The new controls will be activated by astrological clock timers. This should be more accurate and not susceptible to weather.
The lights should be back on tonight!