Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Wisconsin Point Cam Power

Update -- Camera in service
Update - The Corps of Engineers Will be checking into the power outage at Wisconsin Point  tomorrow 7/16.
Cross your fingers.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Monday, July 13, 2020

Presque Isle departed Duluth 07/13/2020 - Timelapse

The 1000ft Presque Isle bumped the North Pier of the Duluth Shipping Canal as it departed this morning. It made a good recovery and will be on it's way after an inspection outside the harbor today.
(Timelapse is at 10x speed)

Paul R Tregurtha and Presque Isle departed Duluth 07/13/2020

Paul R Tregurtha and Presque Isle departed Duluth overnight and early morning.