Monday, June 4, 2018

Hillside Cam Replacement/Upgrade Project

Update: 6/4/2018 -- 20:00   SUCCESS!  We have met the goal and the new camera is on order.

Thanks so much to generous folks who donated to this and past fundraisers.
I will keep you posted on the progress of this project as it develops.

Kickoff 06/04/2018 - 08:00
The Hillside Cam is nearing its useful life.  With this project, we will replace the Hillside cam with a panorama cam that will rotate to pan from downtown to West Duluth.
The panorama cams cost more than the standard but give more options. 
My hope is to have this cam installed by the July 4th fireworks.

Thank You!


Roger Blough departed Superior 06/04/2018