Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Mist of Avalon at the DECC

The Mist of Avalon was the first  of the Tall Ship to tie up at the DECC.

Taagborg departed Duluth 8/16/2016

Loaded with grain, the Taagborg made it's way out of Duluth this afternoon.
Casper (The Friendly Drone) grabbed a photo while the Taagborg departed.

Pride of Baltimore II

The Pride of Baltimore II Tall Ship is hiding out over in Superior until Thursday.
I sent Casper (The Friendly Drone)  up for a quick peek this afternoon.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Tall Ships Update!

El Galeón Andalucía, the largest of the Tall Ships is currently making it's way through the Soo!

Watch AIS