Monday, January 27, 2014

-22F and -50 Wind Chill --- Is it Cold Enough for Ya!

Clear blue skies, -22F and -50F Wind Chill is a great time to visit Canal Park to get a "Real Feel" for the Northland. Since it probably won't be quit this cold again for awhile, at least until tomorrow,  I though I would stop down and see what I could see.
Although there weren't many people around, Lake Superior is still here with all it's pristine beauty and dressed up in winter white.
Although I can't blow some cold air your way, I thought a few 360 panoramas might give you a look at Canal Park when it is this cold.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Ice Caves

A visit to the frozen wonderland of the Apostle Island Sea Caves is always a great walk, especially since it has been 5 years since the ice has been good enough to venture across the frozen waters of the big lake.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Duluth Virtual Tour

For those folks who cannot get enough of Duluth, I have been working on a new site that you may enjoy. It is called Duluth Virtual Tour and you can visit it at

Year in Review