Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Icy Presque Isle

Early winter is one of my favorite times for boat watching. The big boats coming in off the lake with ice covered bows are works of art. Look at the ice coating on the upper bow--incredible.
Presque Isle

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Monday 11/25/2013

Hon. James L. Oberstar arrived at 05:45
Cason J. Callaway arrived at 10:45
Ebroborg (Dutch ) departed at 15:25
Erieborg (Dutch) arrived at 15:40
Hon. James L. Oberstar departed at 17:30

Monday, November 25, 2013

Santa drops into Bentleyville opening night

Saturday evening was the opening night at Bentleyville in Bayfront Park.  I happened to be in the helicopter that dropped Santa from 6000ft.  With a windchill of -20 and the back door off the copter, old Santa didn't hang around long.
The clear air made for a nice night to take a few photos.

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Sunday 11/24/2013

Algoma Enterprise (CA) arrived Duluth at 12:20
Algoma Enterpise