Sunday, November 10, 2019

Edmund Fitzgerald Memorial

Every year on November 10th, a memorial ceremony is held at Split Rock Lighthouse to remember the 29 crew members who perished on the Edmund Fitzgerald November 10, 1975 in a fierce Lake Superior storm.

A ships bell tolls for those lost.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Edward L Ryerson 11/09/2019

The Edward L Ryerson was towed to a slip near Fraser Shipyard earlier this week. The boat was moved in order to do some testing of the harbor in the slip where it had been tied up. The former "Queen of the Lakes" will continue to be "on ice" for the foreseeable future. If you want the learn more about this beautiful boat you can visit the following links.

Lake Superior Magazine: Lake Superior Magazine:

Michipicoten arrived Duluth 11/09/2019

Michipicoten arrived Duluth this morning to load iron pellets.

Cape departed Duluth 11/08/2019

Cape departed Duluth Friday evening with a load of grain.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Two Harbors Depot Cam Update!

The new camera is programmed and ready to go up. Now it is a matter of getting some warm weather and a schedule that will work for myself, the depot staff and an electrician.

I am still hoping for installation before Thanksgiving.